
Showing posts from December, 2020

Best Alkaline Water Machine Brands in 2021

   “You can’t control what goes on outside, but you CAN control what goes on inside.” This quote is so true at many levels. Health is something that everyone desires. A healthy body is on everyone’s Wi s hlist. If we talk about the post-covid scenario, health is the utmost priority of every individual. Back then, people were very much concerned about what they eat, but now they are also taking care of what they drink. As our body is made up of 70% water, it is not wrong if we modify the term “you are what you eat” to “You are what you eat and drink.” I was reading many health and wellness related blogs as my daily routine. I gone through one article about the health benefits of alkaline water. So I looked into it. Previously in many commercials, I saw Professional athletes, celebrities, and Fitness enthusiasts promoting alkaline water. So I found this topic very capitative and dig deeper into it. I have went through as many articles and blogs as possible to know more about it ...

Alkaline Water- A Potent Immunity Booster

  "The coronavirus pandemic has made the world realize the importance of our immunity. While the world is struggling to find a medicinal solution, the simple answer right now lies in boosting your immunity. People are leaning towards the superfood, which has immunity-boosting properties but, what they don't know is that Alkaline water can also assist in boosting your immunity. So, in this article, we'll learn why Alkaline water is a potent immunity booster." In search of a vaccine, people have gone through the ancient scriptures in the quest to find some miracle herb that will keep them safe from infectious viruses. But they never thought about Alkaline water and how it helps in boosting immunity. So, let's dive in and see why Alkaline water is a real immunity booster.   HOW DOES ALKALINE WATER BOOST ONE'S IMMUNITY? Whenever you are diagnosed with fever or the common cold, doctors prescribe plenty of fluids intake for better hydration. That's because water...

How Does Alkaline Water Helps with the Kidney Stone??

  Kidney stones are quite a serious health issue among both young and mature people. And they cause an incapacitating amount of pain when they begin to move through the urinary tract. Experts believe that drinking Alkaline ionized water can reduce the formation of kidney stones in your body. In this article, we'll learn how Alkaline water will assist in bringing you relief from Kidney stones.  Your kidney plays a very vital role in removing excess substances that increase the acidity in your blood. And when you have kidney disease, it becomes more challenging for your kidneys to remove acid from your blood. Alkaline water and a high alkaline diet will help people with kidney problems maintain their pH balances. How Kidney Stones Are Formed?? If your body is forming Calcium oxalate, cysteine, uric acid stones, relief is just a glass of ionized alkaline water away. These kidney stones are formed when you have overly acidic or overly alkaline urine pH, which can be eradicated...